What is LTK Day?
LTK Day is an exclusive sale that takes place on the LIKEtoKNOW.it app. On this day, shoppers on the app can gain access to sales from some of their favorite retailers. It’s as simple as opening the app and pressing “Shop Now.”
Biggest thing: You must shop on the app!
When is LTK Day?
Sunday, July 19th
What brands are participating in LTK Day 2020?
The brands participating in LTK Day are listed below. Be sure to follow me on the app for all of my top picks from the sale. I will be adding more throughout the weekend and all day on LTK Day.

How do I get the app to shop LTK Day?
The LIKEtoKNOW.it app is a free download on the App Store.
1. Once you open the app, just search for my name (WinkAndATwirl) and press FOLLOW.
You can follow along with me here.
2. Each post shows an image with all the shopping link directly below. Click on a item you want to see and press SHOP NOW. It will direct you to the website and allows for quick and easy shopping!
3. You can also save a post for later if you’re not quite ready to buy but don’t want to lose it. You can also save it to a collection and organize your saved posts to make things organized and easy!

That’s it! So easy! Make sure to download the LIKEtoKNOW.it app and gain access to all of these great sales this Sunday, July 19th.